Office Name
L’Institut National Alg�rien de la Propri�t� Industrielle |
Algeria |
The Government of Anguilla, Financial Services Department |
Anguilla |
Oficina De Marques Del Pricipat D’Andorra |
Andorra |
Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial |
Argentina |
Armenian Patent Office (Government House
3, Central Avenue, Yerevan 375010, Armenia |
Armenia |
Intellectual Property Australia |
Australia |
�sterreichischen Patentamt |
Austria |
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office |
Barbados |
Ministry of Economic Affairs |
Belgium |
Benelux Patents Office |
Benelux |
Brazilian Industrial Property Office |
Brazil |
Bulgarian Patent Office |
Bulgaria |
Canadian Intellectual Property Office |
Canada |
State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China |
China |
Republic of Croatia – State Intellectual Property Office |
Croatia |
Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial |
Cuba |
Czech Industrial Property Office |
Czech Republic |
Danish Patent and Trade Mark Office |
Denmark |
Egyptian Patent Office |
Egypt |
The Estonian Patent Office |
Estonia |
Eurasian Patent Organization |
Eurasian |
European Patent Office |
European |
Patentti – ja rekisterihallitus |
Finland |
Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle |
France |
Georgian Industrial Property Organization |
Georgia |
German Patent and Trade Mark Office / Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt |
Germany |
Industrial Property Organisation |
Greece |
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Intellectual Property Department |
Hong Kong |
Hungarian Patent Office |
Hungary |
Einkaleyfastofan |
Iceland |
Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks |
India |
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights |
Indonesia |
Department of Enterprise Trade & Employment |
Ireland |
Italian Patent and Trademark Office |
Italy |
Japanese Patent Office |
Japan |
Ministry of Industry & Trade Jordan |
Jordan |
Republic of Kazakhstan National Patent Office |
Kazakhstan |
Kenya Industrial Property Office |
Kenya |
Korean Industrial Property Office |
Korea, Republic of |
PATLIB centres in Liechtenstein |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuanian Patent Office |
Lithuania |
Ministry of the Economy |
Luxembourg |
Intellectual Property Department |
Macao |
Industrial Property Protection Office of the Republic of Macedonia |
Macedonia |
Ministry Of Domestic Trade And Consumer Affairs – IP.infonet Malaysia |
Malaysia |
Promotion to the Industrial Property |
Mexico |
State Agency of Industrial Property Protection |
Moldova |
Direction de l’Expansion �conomique – Division de la Propri�t� Intellectuelle |
Monaco |
Office Marocain de la Propri�t� Industrielle et Commerciale |
Morocco |
Netherlands Industrial Property Office (NIPO) |
Netherlands |
Bureau voor de Industri�le Eigendom |
Netherlands |
Bureau for Intellectual Property of the Netherlands Antilles |
Netherlands Antilles |
The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand |
New Zealand |
Patentstyret |
Norway |
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market |
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Rep�blica de Panam� |
Panama |
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protecci�n de la Propiedad Intelectual |
Peru |
Intellectual Property Office – Philippines |
Philippines |
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland |
Poland |
Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial |
Portugal |
Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks |
Romania |
Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (ROSPATENT) |
Russia |
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore |
Singapore |
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic |
Slovak Republic |
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office |
Slovenia |
Oficina Espanola de Patentes y Marcas |
Spain |
PRV – the Swedish Patent and Registration Office |
Sweden |
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property |
Switzerland |
Chinese Taipei Intellectual Property Office |
Taiwan |
National center for patents and information |
Tajikistan |
Department of Intellectual Property |
Thailand |
Turkish Patent Institute |
Turkey |
The Eurasian Patent Organization |
Turkmenistan |
UK Patent Office |
United Kingdom |
United States Patent and Trademark Office |
United States |
State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Uzbekistan |
Savezni zavod za intelektualnu svojinu |
Yugoslavia |
Azerbaycan Respublikasi D�vlet Elm ve Texnika: Komitesi Patent-Lisenziya Idaresinin |
Azerbaijan |
Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office |
Bahrain |
Belarus Patent Office |
Belarus |
Zavod za standardizaciju, mjeriteljstvo i patente
Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Patents |
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Departamento de Propiedad Industrial de Chile |
Chile |
The State Agency of Science and Intellectual Property of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent) |
Kyrgyzstan |
Ministeru tal-Finanzi u Kummerc
Ufficcju Tal-Proprjet� Industrjali |
Malta |
Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia |
Mongolia |
Organisation Africaine de la Propri�t� Intellectuelle (OAPI) |
African Intellectual Property Organisation |
Ufficio de Stato dei Brevetti e Marchi |
San Marino |
�rad priemyseln�ho vlastn�ctva Slovenskej republiky |
Slovakia |
CIPRO: Companies & Intellectual Property Registration Office |
South Africa |
Ministry of Legal Affairs
Intellectual Property Office |
Trinidad and Tobago |
State Patent Office of Ukraine |
Ukraine |
Direcci�n General – Servicios Agr�colas |
Uruguay |