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National I.P Offices in the World - Winco

National I.P Offices in the World

Intellectual Property National Offices in the World

Office Name


L’Institut National Alg�rien de la Propri�t� Industrielle Algeria
The Government of Anguilla, Financial Services Department Anguilla
Oficina De Marques Del Pricipat D’Andorra Andorra
Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial Argentina
Armenian Patent Office (Government House
3, Central Avenue, Yerevan 375010, Armenia
Intellectual Property Australia Australia
�sterreichischen Patentamt Austria
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office Barbados
Ministry of Economic Affairs Belgium
Benelux Patents Office Benelux
Brazilian Industrial Property Office Brazil
Bulgarian Patent Office Bulgaria
Canadian Intellectual Property Office Canada
State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China China
Republic of Croatia – State Intellectual Property Office Croatia
Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial Cuba
Czech Industrial Property Office Czech Republic
Danish Patent and Trade Mark Office Denmark
Egyptian Patent Office Egypt
The Estonian Patent Office Estonia
Eurasian Patent Organization Eurasian
European Patent Office European
Patentti – ja rekisterihallitus Finland
Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle France
Georgian Industrial Property Organization Georgia
German Patent and Trade Mark Office / Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt Germany
Industrial Property Organisation Greece
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Intellectual Property Department Hong Kong
Hungarian Patent Office Hungary
Einkaleyfastofan Iceland
Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks India
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights Indonesia
Department of Enterprise Trade & Employment Ireland
Italian Patent and Trademark Office Italy
Japanese Patent Office Japan
Ministry of Industry & Trade Jordan Jordan
Republic of Kazakhstan National Patent Office Kazakhstan
Kenya Industrial Property Office Kenya
Korean Industrial Property Office Korea, Republic of
PATLIB centres in Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuanian Patent Office Lithuania
Ministry of the Economy Luxembourg
Intellectual Property Department Macao
Industrial Property Protection Office of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonia
Ministry Of Domestic Trade And Consumer Affairs – IP.infonet Malaysia Malaysia
Promotion to the Industrial Property Mexico
State Agency of Industrial Property Protection Moldova
Direction de l’Expansion �conomique – Division de la Propri�t� Intellectuelle Monaco
Office Marocain de la Propri�t� Industrielle et Commerciale Morocco
Netherlands Industrial Property Office (NIPO) Netherlands
Bureau voor de Industri�le Eigendom Netherlands
Bureau for Intellectual Property of the Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles
The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand New Zealand
Patentstyret Norway
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market OHIM
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Rep�blica de Panam� Panama
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protecci�n de la Propiedad Intelectual Peru
Intellectual Property Office – Philippines Philippines
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland Poland
Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial Portugal
Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks Romania
Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (ROSPATENT) Russia
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore Singapore
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic Slovak Republic
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office Slovenia
Oficina Espanola de Patentes y Marcas Spain
PRV – the Swedish Patent and Registration Office Sweden
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property Switzerland
Chinese Taipei Intellectual Property Office Taiwan
National center for patents and information Tajikistan
Department of Intellectual Property Thailand
Turkish Patent Institute Turkey
The Eurasian Patent Organization Turkmenistan
UK Patent Office United Kingdom 
United States Patent and Trademark Office United States
State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Savezni zavod za intelektualnu svojinu Yugoslavia
Azerbaycan Respublikasi D�vlet Elm ve Texnika: Komitesi Patent-Lisenziya Idaresinin Azerbaijan 
Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office Bahrain
Belarus Patent Office Belarus
Zavod za standardizaciju, mjeriteljstvo i patente
Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Patents

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Departamento de Propiedad Industrial de Chile
The State Agency of Science and Intellectual Property of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent) Kyrgyzstan
Ministeru tal-Finanzi u Kummerc
Ufficcju Tal-Proprjet� Industrjali
Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia Mongolia
Organisation Africaine de la Propri�t� Intellectuelle (OAPI) African Intellectual Property Organisation
Ufficio de Stato dei Brevetti e Marchi
San Marino
�rad priemyseln�ho vlastn�ctva Slovenskej republiky Slovakia
CIPRO: Companies & Intellectual Property Registration Office South Africa
Ministry of Legal Affairs
Intellectual Property Office
Trinidad and Tobago
State Patent Office of Ukraine
Direcci�n General – Servicios Agr�colas Uruguay