
Patents & Utility solutions

Our Team

Our patent team has competent experience and knowledge in both national and international patent laws. Our team comprises experts in different technical fields such as electronics, electrical, mechanical, chemistry, pharmaceutical, biology. We work together to provide our clients with the most comprehensive services.

Our Services

Patent registration (including preparation, translation and filing of applications to for patents, and utility models, including advising clients on the patentability and protection of inventions);
Protection program (including advice on or help to formulate programs to identify and protect inventions);
Patent licensing (including patent licensing and cross-licensing work);
Patent litigation and disputes (involving patent infringement, oppositions, ownership dispute/interference proceedings, and alternative dispute resolution).

Hereunder is some of the technical fields that we have expertise in handling:


Most of our attorneys act in at least some electronics and electrical cases and are well-equipped to deal with cases in the arts. Cases involving complicated circuitry or computer program implementations are normally handled by our attorneys with special training in electronics and computer sciences.


The types of mechanical inventions handled in our office range from the simple to the very complicated. Over the years, we have dealt with many cases in the automotive and camera arts, but the nature of our mechanical practice is characterized primarily by the great variety of mechanical patent applications that are entrusted to our care.


Our work in the chemical arts is primarily handled by our practitioners who hold a degree in either chemistry, chemical engineering, or metallurgical engineering. The range of chemical patents handled by our office is again quite broad, including for example installations for cryogenic air distillation, pharmaceuticals of all types, metallurgical engineering, and polymer and enzyme chemistry.


Protecting advances in molecular biology presents special challenges to the patent practitioner. At WINCO, we work effectively with the examiners in the Patent Office to sort out the often very complicated technical and legal issues that arise in these cases. Our active involvement and close contact with the examiners handling this art, keep us current with the ever-changing law and technology in this area.