- Vietnam joins open source
Vietnam has officially become a member of Asianux, an organisation dedicated to the development of free software, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Quoc Thang announced on Dec. 5.
Many stores sell counterfeit mills under the “Magic Bullet” name
On 26 December, the representatives of Police Department for Investigation of Crimes Related to Economic Management Order and to Positions, inspectorate from Ministry of Science and Technology proceeded with removing infringing elements on a series of multi-functional mills bearing counterfeit mark “Magic Bullet”.
Vietnam to clamp down on copyright infringement
A clampdown on the infringement of copyright throughout Vietnam is expected to follow new instructions by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.
Minutes of Meetings on Cooperation for Project on Strengthening the Enforcement of IPRs in Vietnam
The Director General of the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam and the Head of the Japanese Detailed Planning Survey Team signed the Minutes of Meetings (M/M) on Japanese Technical Cooperation for Project on Strengthening the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Viet Nam on 13 March 2012 in Ha Noi. This is resulted from discussions from 27/2 – 13/3/2012 of the Team with related authorities of the Vietnamese Government to make survey on the IPRs enforcement situation in Viet Nam and discuss proposals and recommendations for its improvement.
- High level delegation of the State Intellectual Property Office of China visits Viet Nam
From 23 to 25 November 2008, a high level delegation of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) headed by Mr. Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner and Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) under the management of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China headed by Ms. Guo Lianlian, Deputy Director General, paid an official visit to Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi within the framework of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of intellectual property. The delegation also consisted of high level officials and experienced experts of SIPO and CTMO.
- VN fights against software copyright violations
An agreement on software copyright protection was reached in Hanoi on August 26, marking a step-forward in cooperation between government agencies and local and foreign professional associations in the fight against copyright infringement.
- Kim Cuong to sue US studio over copyright
Celebrated actress Kim Cuong plans to launch an artistic copyright violation suit against US-based Thuy Nga Music Production Centre for the alleged unauthorised use of her drama La Sau Rieng (Durian Leaves) in its recent DVD.
Importing cheap Lacoste T-shirts … from China
Hang Dao Trading, Service & Fashion shop has imported counterfeit Lacoste T-shirts from China into Vietnam. These kinds of T-shirt were sold at the price of 130,000 VN dong/T-shirt – 150,000 VN dong/T-shirt whereas the price of the genuine one is 1.5 million VN dong/T-shirt – 1.6 million VN dong/T-shirt.
IT week 2008 aims to boost use of technology
The 17th IT Week Vietnam will take place in Hanoi from Oct. 29-Nov. 2 with a series of exhibitions and seminars taking place focusing on advanced information technology.
- New Circulars on Patent & Design in Vietnam
New Circulations on Patent & Design in Vietnam + Pursuant to the Decree No. 54/2003/ND-CP issued on 14 May 2003 by the Government of Vietnam, stipulating the functions, obligations, authority and structure of Ministry of Science and Technology; + Pursuant […]
Hanoi trademark association declares war on pirated goods
Hanoi’s Anti-Counterfeit and Trademark Protection Association made its debut this week by declaring all-out war on pirates.
- New Industrial Property Legislation in Vietnam in 2001-2003
Latest documents on the Protection of IP right in Vietnam in 2001-2003 + Number of applications filed to the Vietnam National Office of Industrial Property (NOIP) in the 9 months of 2003 up to 18/09/2003. + Industrial Property […]
- Vietnam has potential for 3G technology development
Vietnam has huge potential for the development of third generation (3G) technology, though it is lagging behind some other regional countries, said the Head of Ernst & Young’s Global Telecom Centre Jonathan Dharmapalan.
.vn domain names to be transferrable
Domain names are natural resources so speculation is banned. However, the state will allow the transfer of .vn domain name under certain conditions, said Deputy Minister of Post and Telematics Le Nam Thang.
- VN continues fight against copyright violators
Four years have passed since Viet Nam joined the Berne Convention on Intellectual Property Rights, and despite progress, copyright violations continue to be a serious problem in the country.