TS. Trần Việt Phương

Dr. Phuong has seventeen years of experience in consulting and auditing with KPMG and other Big-4 firms, having profound knowledge in finance and accounting, external auditing of financial statements, internal control system and risk management. Some of his key projects and most recent experience at KPMG include: Participated in a number of KrMG’s due diligence projects as a buy-side advisor; Led hundreds of engagements to audit financial statements, to review internal control systems of KPMG’s clients including banks, finance companies, securities companies, funds, fund managers, manufacturing companies and other organizations in Vietnam; Led a project on reviewing reconciliation process, develop bank- wide reconciliation framework, policy and procedures tor key business processes for a Vietnamese commercial bank; Participated in MOF project team to prepare the new Vietnamese Accounting Standards (“VAS”) and Vietnamese Financial Reporting Standards (“VFRS”), etc.